
Sspx mc el paso
Sspx mc el paso

The country is suffering an “ invasion” of migrants due to plans to “ replace” the white population. Anyone who suggests that diversity is positive is labelled a “ traitor”. Across social media and other parts of the internet the Irish far right uses the same language. Their language comes from the bowels of the internet where racism and conspiracy theories thrive.Īnd the far right in Ireland is no different. “Traitors” lived amongst them who had to be “combated” or forced to “bend”. Both men spoke of an “invasion” and the “replacement” of white people. This was the extent of their relationship.

sspx mc el paso

The El Paso shooter stated he supported the Christchurch shooter’s actions. To the best of anyone’s knowledge these two men never met and they never personally knew each other. Given this, corporations are also traitors that “must be destroyed”. These new arrivals will be “the cheap labour new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive”. They have “Invited” immigrants into the countries they are based in order “to replace the White people”. And “Traitors deserve a traitors death”.Ĭorporations also come in for criticism. Macron, he wrote, is “globalist, anti-white”. Referencing the election of Emmanuel Macron in France, he declared that a “democratic solution” was now no longer possible. Politicians and political parties are also to blame. Therefore, in his eyes, the murder of children is justified. And during a so-called “invasion” there “are no innocents”. He argued that “a violent revolutionary solution” is the only way forwards. Otherwise Europe will face “the complete racial and cultural replacement” of its people. He wrote that Europe is “experiencing an invasion” which will “replace the White people” there. These same linguistic patterns could be found in the manifesto of the Christchurch shooter. His actions, he writes, are therefore “faultless” and “an act of preservation”. The destruction of the US, he insists, will in the end be because of traitors. In the US though, he has the means and the will to act. Lamenting the lack of gun rights in Europe, he notes that Europeans don’t have the means to “repel the millions of invaders”. That if they don’t bend, they will break. Instead, they merely have to be “shown” the error of their ways. But corporations don’t have to be eviscerated to rectify this. In his view they benefit from new arrivals to the country, using them as a way of “replenishing the labor pool for both skilled and unskilled jobs to keep wages down”. He accuses them of planning a “political coup” by “importing” people to vote for them.Ĭorporations are also complicit. However, the Democrats are particularly noteworthy for their apparent treachery. Democrats and Republicans are either “complacent or involved” in what he calls “one of the biggest betrayals of the American public”.

sspx mc el paso

This “invasion” consists of a “cultural and ethnic replacement” of Americans such as himself. He argued in his manifesto that he is “defending” his country from “an invasion”. And these same patterns are present in the language used by the far right in Ireland. But it does display the linguistic patterns that have become so commonplace over the last few years. It offers nothing new in terms of an insight into the far right or the mindset of its foot soldiers. Minutes before the El Paso shooter started massacring people he uploaded his manifesto to the internet.

Sspx mc el paso